Cosmetic dentistry on upswing as jobless seek an edge
Cosmetic dentistry on upswing as jobless seek an edge
Updated: 6/9/2009 7:00:24 PM
Many job seekers are getting their teeth whitened and even having porcelain veneers put in as a way to increase their chances of success, according to Dr Sultan Sherzoy, a cosmetic dentist in Bergen County.
"People want to feel confident when they walk in the room for an interview," Sherzoy said. "They want to put on their best smile. If their teeth are stained or crooked, they may not feel comfortable doing that. A lot of their true personality can be hidden behind a tarnished smile."
The current unemployment rate in New Jersey is 8.2 percent according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The unemployed rarely have dental insurance that will cover a procedure such as teeth whitening, but some are willing to invest as a chance to increase the odds on future employment.
"A simple procedure like whitening the teeth can take years off of someone's appearance," according to Sherzoy. "In today's career marketplace, every little edge helps."
While increased confidence may be one reason for improved success after cosmetic dentistry, there is research showing that attractive people are hired more often.
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