Doctors of Dental Medicine
Doctors of Dental Medicine
338 Georges Road,
Dayton, NJ 08810
Phone: 732-329-3113
At Doctors of Dental Medicine, you'll enjoy a comprehensive, comfortable and completely customized dental experience. You'll relax and listen to your choice of music during your visit. You'll feel totally at ease with their family of friendly, attentive and highly experienced dental professionals while receiving the most advanced preventive, surgical and cosmetic procedures. And, you'll leave feeling amazed that any dental visit could go so well and so quickly.
At Doctors of Dental Medicine, they build relationships that last for generations. They provide services for the entire family and strive for an enjoyable experience for all.
Their dentists are dedicated to their profession. They challenge themselves to keep abreast of emerging technology and knowledge, and then master these to the absolute best of their ability.
Doctors of Dental Medicine is a comprehensive care general dental practice. They strive to educate their patients to enable them to maintain a healthy oral environment and minimize their dental needs. Whether your needs involve a simple filling or complex oral rehabilitation, their doctors pride themselves on the quality of care they provide. Some of the services they provide follows:
- Prohylaxis (cleaning)
- Flouride treatments
- Oral hygiene instruction
- Fillings
(silver and tooth colored)
- Crowns
(natural and tooth implant)
- Inlays/onlays
- Bonded restorations
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Porcelain veneers
- Porcelain crowns
- Porcelain inlays/onlays
- Smile design and enhancement
- Non-surgical periodontal
- Surgical periodontal treatment
- Root canal therapy
- Invisalign (invisible) braces
- Minor tooth movement
- Fixed bridges
(naural tooth and implant retained)
- Partial dentures
(conventional and precision)
- Removable partial dentures
- Full dentures
- Overdentures
(naural tooth and implant retained)
- Immediate Dentures
Oral Surgery
- Extractions (simple and complex)
- Periodontal surgery
- Endodontic surgery (apecoectomy)
- Lesion removal and biopsy
- Cosmetic surgical procedures
- Dental implants
- Occlusal analysis on
mounted study models
- Occlusal equilibration
- Bite (bruxism) appliances
- Full mouth reconstruction
