Milford Family Dentistry
Dr. Steven Riesenberg, DMD
802 Milford Warren Glen Road
Milford, NJ 08848
Phone: (908) 995-4535
Fax: (908) 995-7787
We are pleased to welcome you to our virtual home. Our office is located in Milford in Hunterdon County, New Jersey.
You have made the right choice in choosing our office. Our Smile Team is always available for all your dental needs. We are committed to providing the community we serve with the highest quality oral health care for all ages.
Why We Do What We Do ...
Every now and then, we all need to reaffirm why we get up in the morning. It's no different in our practice where we work to bring you the best dentistry there is.
Quality dentistry does not come in a package with the degree. It is derived from hard work, compassion and an unwavering commitment to our patients. We want to get better and better. Part of this process is through continuing education.
Dentistry, like everything else, is changing far too fast to rest on the laurels of that hard-earned degree. So we strive to keep alert, to separate the worthy from the trendy. Through seminars and advanced professional studies, our skills must be renewed to thrive. The new tools ("toys," you might have heard us call them) which we introduce to you as new dental technology, they are only a small expression of our intent to keep ourselves up to date with dental discoveries and researches.
We think a quality dental office insists on quality care. a treatment program that settles for less than the best is second best. As your dental health providers, we want the best for you. Your speech, your smile, your nourishment; your dental health is on the line.
A rule we believe in: patients, being people are sensitive to how they are being treated. You may not recognize how perfectly seamless that crown is, but you know when you are treated with respect. Do we let you know your time is as important as ours? Do we talk about school, the correct bait for your fishing hook, that Florida trip, or even today's weather?
Your motivation is important to us. When you visit, do you feel you're doing something good for yourself? If you feel that, it's quality showing. We know quality dentistry doesn't happen by itself. It comes with experience, education and a positive attitude. We're working towards it every day.
Milford Family Dentistry is a general dentistry practice and offers all phases of dental care.
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